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My Island : Photo Essay : There's No Place Like Home

trees icons magic wild life the unordinary

beauty friends memories accomplishments

super stars

Joe Strell

Jeff Gent

Chris Dickman & Cody Sedgwick

Beki Killorin & granddaughter Tatum

Betty Crookes & daughter Betsy Ockwell

The Total Experience Gospel Choir sings to Save the Guemes Mt.

Driver Glen Veal passenger Art Hyatt both in disguise

Mary Jane Reinholdt & niece Sally Riordan

Rick Norrie & the Buddha


Margene Merrow

The Guemes Island Stage

Printshop of Island International Artists

Artist Beki KIllorin etching a plate

Barbara & Michael McGinness

Bruce & Carol VanIterson

Rick & Renee Norrie

Artist Arden Charles

Guemes Fourth 0f July Parade

Howard Pellet

Ria Foster

Cypress Island

Joe Strell


Kris Strell

Reaching out to you super stars.

Love you & your spaces of grace.

Absolutely. Your majesty echoes forth.


Treasured Presence Matt Turley

May 2023

Treasured Presence

by Matt Turley

Your treasured presence is missed immensely.

Although I think of you with less frequency,

Duration, and perhaps, intensity.

Our treasured past is with me always,

The sturdy mast of my small boat.

Your spirits propel my sails.

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