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an examination of sane washing :

the act of packaging radical & outrageous statements in a way that

makes them seem normal

Newest !! Innovative !! Politically Correcto-mundo !!

2024 Word of the Year :  “sanewashing.”

Another attempt at explaining the Mainstream. Here we go again, making up yet another new and improved word to try to capture and give meaning to the mean and the demeaning and the unmeaningful to the world audience.

I read an article from Poynter ( 9/12/2024 ) about sanewashing recently.

I examine the word, as I question the world.

Definition of sanewashing :

“The act of packaging radical & outrageous statements in a  way that makes them seem normal.”

The act : perform, appear, be an actor on a stage ….spot on.

of packaging : presenting something in a particular way to make it more attractive, especially something that is for sale. In other words, we are being sold something that is one way yet is presented in another marketable way so we buy into it.

radical : a departure from tradition. Really ? Is “tradition,” the truth ?

One could now easily use “conservative” instead, which means holding traditional values. Does it not seem more as if, the mainstream so-called conservative tradition has now shifted values. All these conservative statements which are fabrications, falsehoods, fiction, propaganda, promotion, advertisements, spin, doggies and hype. If so-called radical statements are now the norm, and delivered by so-called conservatives, how could they be labeled radical. What we need to do is redefine what conservative is. Or possibly : tradition.

outrageous : shocking, wildly exaggerated, sensationalized, why even appalling, atrocious, attention-getting. In other words, obtains a great deal of attentive air play attention, interest, notice. Can you believe what he just said.

I myself is so tired & zzzzzz bored with Dat. It's so predictable, and par for the course, it has become boring, dull, and not even funny anymore. Get a new schtick. Try reality for once.

statements :

(1) a definite or clear expression of something in speech or writing,

        (2) an official account of facts, views, or plans, especially one for release to the media

(3) a formal account of events given by a witness, defendant, or other party to the police or in a court of law

(4) a document setting out items of debit and credit between a bank or other organization and a customer.

Somehow, I am not seeing or having any correlation with any of these 4 attributes defining what a statement is, with what I am writing about here today now. No connection.

in a way : in a manner or method. Done in a certain manner. In a certain specific way. A certain kind of technique. A definite procedure in doing things.    

that makes them : that alters, molds, models, forms or creates.

Transforms them into a brand new cocoa puffs package, folks.

seem : appear, give the impression of being,

looks like, sounds like, feels like, begins with the letter …

normal  : ordinary, common, typical, usual,

accustomed to, traditional ( ? ) ( hmm interesting, hold that thought... )

In other words, I see this new word (in)“sanewashing” explain our washed up all ready accepted it’s a wash now New Normal. Welcome to the popular unreality of being sold a new way of getting more more likes and support and votes and are you kidding me, admiration. Or, more like, persuaded with threats. New & improved new testaments bibles tennis sneaking sneakers get your very own flash playing cards partial unjudges and possibly soon to be released in a neighborhood near you ...

a randomly blurting wordspeak king. Make god great again.

I mean, Me me me meeee. Can you dig it.

Ok. Time for a commercial break.

Just do it. Have it your way. It's the real thing. Coke.

Or possibly, another choice : Monster Reign. Promotion slogan : "Reign Your Rules."

Conservative is now the radical. Outrageous is now the acceptable. Shocking is now so repitious it's become yawn monotonous. Even our words and language now have military operational shifted into whatever I can say and get away with it into revised adjustments with less sting and full of empty vacant staring blank-faced non-meanings. Babbling brooks overflowing with gurgling gushing gibberish. Childish name-calling is par for the adult hole-in-one course. Doing as much grand slam damage is the proper popular politically correct protocol trend now in politics instead of working together.

And this has all been neatly sold to us by high drama actors performing live histrionics during their day jobs inside their chambers inside their courts behind their podiums. Claiming to be something that one is not. Not genuinely interested in the welfare of us as a whole. The truth no longer has, or is, a value. The Declaration of Independence is no longer viable or followed. We the people hold these truths that all men are created equal, is this not tradition anymore. Or somehting to be scoffed ignored and violently disrespected.

How does one operate in a world in which outright lies prevail. Retold reiterated and repeated over & over so many times they become believable. We are being sold untruths.

The marketing propaganda machine is destroying all that we know to be self-evident.

The news no longer objective nor informs us of events taking place. It has become a mega-phone loud speaker of whatever they wish to proliferate. Who cares what so and so thinks about what's his face ? or what so and so said about what's his face ? Is this the news ? Headlines force me now to refer to the source first, before buying into unreliable yet legitimate ?? really ?? news sources which sell snake oil to an audience of complacent shock absorbers. No longer stating just the facts. Journalists report verbatim unchecked quotations, passing them on, spreading them on, feeding them on, in a continuous chain to the vulnerability of wide open eager hungry for more more atrocities ears. Reporters, videos, social media, tweets instantaneously pass on outrage-gee-osity and quotes, which, only "......confers legitimacy and obstructs accountability.” *

We are being sold something by how much the media messenger proliferates the message.

All attention on the next tick tocking tweeting message. Who can outdo the other with hate mongering. Making up fake stories in however many convoluted made-up schemes and garbage verb-age they can stuff into our ears and eyes and faces and consciousness.

Over and over. Same same.

Questions point blank asked and repeated, asked again, “How do you plan to …..”

with only dribbling drabble and slick side steps and more oh no really !! shock back in return about something not related on and on and on to avoid evade skirt and hide behind the skirts of true intentions, and to keep the one main most important thing in mind : do not answer the question. Mission accomplished. Made another sale !! another transaction stymied, another art of the deal, I mean, steal. Same side stepping doe see doe felonies playbook. Avoid evade punt.

We are all being sold a non-appetizing recipe of empty hollow hello ? do I hear an echo in the house deceptions. I reference a title from a new book : The Wolf and The Sheep. *

A wolf behind a podium speaking to an audience of sleepy sheep. A starving for attention hungry wolf who oh so sincerely promises with his whole heart to become a vegetarian, but but but… only on the day after becoming elected. * And I personally add, you sheep will never even have to vote again ever for the rest of your life after that, as the wolf swears on his make believe bible with his claws crossed behind his back.

The world examines, dwells, compliantly regurgitates ?? these wow super rad man statements and continues to give them more sellability more air play more validity by keeping them alive and well. As planned as programmed as is the whole agenda and point. The theatrical master messenger is not laughed at booed off the stage but only given more air play more attention more more publicity promoting more distribution. So much more including possibly very soon the keys to the kingdom. Once that has been accomplished, there will be no more need for keys.

  • * Poynter ; article "How To Avoid Sanewashing" by Kelly McBride Sept. 12, 2024.

    * The Wolf And The Sheep, Once Elected, I Will be Vegetarian Paperback – June 20, 2024 by A sif Mehmood (Author)


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